scopio Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI) represents a significant shift towards an encompassing exploration of its thematic triad, supported by an internationally renewed team that comprises both the Editorial Team and Scientific Committee. This integration marks a decisive moment for the academic publication, now centralised within the dynamic scopionetwork and AAI research group.
Maintaining scopio’s original aesthetic and brand identity, this annual, open-access publication bridges physical and digital realms. It aims to deliver critical, exploratory, and informative content that appeals to an interdisciplinary audience. By fostering debates and discussions, it encourages a contemporary reevaluation of Architecture, Art, and Image.
Each year, scopio AAI will dedicate itself to a pivotal theme, with "Utopia" heralding the inaugural volume. This choice signals our commitment to redefining Utopian thought within the complexities of modern societies, promoting a nuanced understanding that encompasses both inspiration and practical pathways towards societal transformation. Echoing Ernst Bloch’s seminal The Principle of Hope, we view utopias not as escapist fantasies but as integral to our reality, guiding us towards tangible social change.
We invite contributions that leverage the Image as a boundary-crossing medium, capable of challenging conventional separations between architectural and artistic domains. Inspired by broad notions of creativity, innovation, and cybernetics, these works should aim to address the multifaceted challenges that intersect Architecture, Art, and Image.
Our vision extends to reimagining Utopia within the AAI sphere—encompassing global concerns and the evolution of humanity within complex democratic societies. This reimagining includes utilising Utopia as a conceptual tool in architectural design to break free from conventional thought and foster innovative spatial conceptualisations. We advocate for Utopia as a continuous source of inspiration, steering clear of unattainable dreams or oppressive ideals.
The publication seeks to be at the forefront of discourse on space appropriation, cybernetics, digital media, urban perception, socio-cultural diversity, and the cognitive role of images. It aims to tackle cross-disciplinary issues on how Architecture and Public Space shape our cities and, conversely, how cities influence territories. These explorations are crucial in understanding the interconnectedness of technology, digital media, and the capacity to foster more innovative, sustainable, and inclusive environments.
Reflecting on the 20th century's modernist ideals, which inspired utopian visions like Le Corbusier’s Ville Radieuse and Ebenezer Howard’s Garden City, we acknowledge their profound impact on spatial and social transformations. While not all such visions materialised as intended, their contributions towards addressing housing and public space quality post-World War II are undeniable.
In line with thinkers like Daniel Innerarity, we advocate for a Utopian thought that aligns with the complexities of modern democracies, aiming for sustainable development and a fairer world. This approach seeks a democratic utopia, distancing from elitist or authoritarian tendencies, towards fostering a more inclusive, actionable vision of the future.
The revitalisation of the Editorial Board signifies a collaborative effort between CEAU/FAUP and various national and international research centres. This effort aims to enhance interdisciplinarity, enrich editorial content, and create synergies across the publication's diverse sections. With a central theme guiding each annual edition, scopio AAI embarks on a renewed journey to inspire and provoke thought within the realms of Architecture, Art, and Image.
As we reflect on the past year and the journey towards this inaugural volume of scopio Magazine AAI-Utopia, we extend our deepest gratitude to all contributors—editors, authors, reviewers, and readers. Your engagement and insights have been invaluable to this endeavour.