Assessment of active citizenship Defining the conceptual framework
Active Citizenship (AC) is a complex and multidimensional notion that encompasses related constructs, such as civic and political engagement, civic competency, citizens’ identity, democratic values, among others. However, different studies offer different models of AC, focusing on specific aspects of it. In this paper, we focus on the research instruments used in the large international studies of AC, as they reflect how the constructs are understood and interpreted by different authors. This paper reviews the frameworks and the surveys of seven studies of AC to elaborate a comprehensive conceptual framework that incorporates different dimensions, signposts the main domains, and defines the relationships between them. This paper elucidates the current views on the operationalization of AC and can be used not only to develop instruments for future AC assessment, but also to provide a context for better understanding and interpretating current studies.
Recebido: 16/11/2019
Aceite: 10/10/2020
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Como Citar
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