The initial teacher qualification and the maternal language teaching Contemporary contexts
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This article analyses the current normative context of the Portuguese teachers’ qualification as the native language in Brazil, investigating the approach given to multimodality, to multiliteracies, and to native language in recent national regulations for initial teacher training and basic education. It is a qualitative documentary research based on thematic categorical and cross-sectional analysis of results. From the dialogue between thinkers in education and language sciences, it appears that the treatment of Portuguese as a native language presupposes that teaching must be corroborated by the sense that this conception brings together. For this, it is necessary to expand the dialogue between the normatives to improve the qualification of Portuguese teachers, its teaching performance, the appropriation of linguistic multimodality and the multiliteracies constituting national multicultures and cultural innovations in the teaching and learning processes.
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How to Cite
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Legislação brasileira
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