Elements of the design of videogames that encourage the interest of players

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Nelson Zagalo
Ana Amélia Carvalho
Inês Araújo


Based on a study carried out with students from 5th grade to university undergraduates, we present the main elements of videogame design that drive young people to play digital games. The constant search for new information is fundamental in the way the design of videogames is realized, which in turn also has in mind motivational modulations to sustain the experiences of game. In the study carried out, and in order to motivate by competences, we identified in the answers obtained the elements of design «fantasy», «challenge» and «excitement» –, in the motivation for autonomy were emphasized – «types of game», «mechanics» and «gameplay». Contrary to expectations, we have not been able to highlight elements for the relatedness motivation from the analysis of the subjects’ interest in the games they play the most.


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Zagalo, N., Carvalho, A. A. ., & Araújo, I. (2016). Elements of the design of videogames that encourage the interest of players. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 48, 169-190. https://doi.org/10.34626/esc.vi48.180