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Stephen R. Stoer


In this journal's third issue, there is a strong presence of "cultures". Starting with i) a focus on "women's culture" and the "culture of female teachers" at the end of the Republic/beginning of the Estado Novo (...), moving on to ii) an analysis of the "scriptualisation and codification of knowledge" by the literate culture of the mass school (...), then iii) the identification of some of the main features of how teachers appropriate the area-school in the context of their professional culture and the culture of the school (...), and iv) the reconstruction of the identity of Portuguese teachers in Switzerland and the implications of their work for the "culture of emigrants" (...). ), then iv) by reconstructing the identity of Portuguese teachers in Switzerland and the implications of their work for the "culture of emigrants" (...), and concluding with two articles dealing with culture in post-modernity, one mapping some discourses on post-modernity and relating them to education and teaching (...), and the other considering the implications of the "new cultural maps" for the curriculum as a privileged place for the process of forming social subjectivities (...).


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How to Cite

Stoer, S. R. (1995). Editorial. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 3, 3-5. https://doi.org/10.24840/esc.vi03.1288

