New ways of watching, new ways of punishing the pathologization of life

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Cecília Azevedo Lima Collares


The authors make conceptual reflections, based on the real history of some children, on the roots of the processes of pathologization and medicalization of life and the ways in which these processes are articulated with prejudices and intolerance of differences, and with the silencing of questions and of utopias. Inscribed in the positivist paradigm, they contain alienated and alienating concepts about science and knowledge, the world, subjects and life itself; through diagnostic-labels and reports, they have been doubly instruments of violence, either because of the violence they provoke by abstracting the subject and removing life from the scene, or by concealing situations of violence experienced by children and adolescents, constituting an alibi that calms consciences, silences conflicts and exempts everyone from their responsibilities.


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How to Cite
Maria, & Collares, C. A. L. (2020). New ways of watching, new ways of punishing: the pathologization of life. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 57, 31-44.
ARTICLES | Open call

How to Cite

Maria, & Collares, C. A. L. (2020). New ways of watching, new ways of punishing: the pathologization of life. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 57, 31-44.