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REPENSAR O ENVOLVIMENTO CÍVICO | Editors Pedro Leão Neto, Maria Neto

Vol. 1 N.º 1 (2023): scopio Magazine AAI-Utopia

Civic Innovation in Portugal: The potential and limitations of citizen labs to experiment new urban futures

  • José Carlos Mota
  • Alexandra Ataíde



Democracy in Portugal is challenged by the lack of awareness regarding decision-making processes, disappointment with quality of life expectations, and a general lack of trust in politics. Citizens' disenchantment with the performance of governors and politicians is reflected in low electoral participation and radicalisation in the public sphere. Despite this, there is a growing inclination towards participatory dynamics and solidarity initiatives. The 50th Portuguese anniversary of democracy in 2024 should draw attention to innovative civic engagement projects that enhance democratic maturity and citizens’ commitment.

The present article aims to conceptualise citizen innovation, and analyse its practices in Portugal, typify models of civic laboratories, and discuss their effectiveness, focusing on results, particularly those that are managed as a bottom-linked model This study carried out a literature review and analysed four recent initiatives in Portugal. Structured in three parts, it discusses civic labs as settings for structural change and analysis of civic innovation in Portugal.

The study emphasises equally the transformative potential of collaborative collective action between citizens and communities, particularly when it is mediated and geographically delimited. Citizen labs are seen as valuable spaces for mapping resources, combining knowledge, and experiencing social transformations with low risk. Regarding civic labs governance models, the bottom-linked approach, although with limitations, tends to reveal a strong potential when compared to top-down institutional or bottom-up community approaches.

Cover page: The conceptual and operative dimensions of the Urban Civic Labs


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