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Vol. 1 N.º 1 (2023): scopio Magazine AAI-Utopia

SI3 for urban resilience: a human-nature driven paradigm shift

  • David Leite Viana
  • Telma Ribeiro
  • Jorge Maia



In a world increasingly marked by environmental challenges and climate uncertainties, the urgency for a paradigm shift in our relationship with the planet Earth has never been more evident. The increasing awareness of time running out underscores the immediacy of action necessary to alleviate the impact of human activities on the planet’s resources and to address the pervasive effects of environmental issues and climate change. Moreover, as these adjustments unfold, there arises a need to reconsider the foundations of a shared future that is socially, environmentally, and technologically viable, and, consequently, it is necessary to rethink our connections with one another and the broader built environment – encompassing individuals, communities, and societies. This paper contends that the ongoing and forthcoming transformations necessitate a continuous re-evaluation of our common ground to ensure a more sustainable and resilient future for all. Therefore, this research advocates for the implementation of the SI3 framework as a catalyst for this paradigm shift – a framework that integrates inclusive, innovative, and intelligent solutions to foster urban resilience in the face of an evolving world. The imperative need for a transformative change in the way we perceive and interact with our built environment is also addressed through the NBC (nature-based cities) and GIM (green information modeling) models. Likewise, the challenges of dealing with the existing built environment are explored within the SI3 scope, emphasizing the importance of collecting and analyzing data related to space appropriation, daily flows, public space usage, social-spatial dynamics of buildings, and building energy consumption. By synthesizing and understanding this sort of data, the paper argues that cities can be better equipped to adapt, evolve, and thrive in the face of ongoing and future challenges, contributing to a more resilient and sustainable urban future.

Cover image: Continuation of Leça Green Corridor construction, in Matosinhos, with the requalification and natural consolidation of the Leça River banks, and extension of the Ecovia


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