How are early years teachers in Portugal being prepared to teach reading and writing?
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The teaching of reading and writing requires teachers who are adequately prepared. Higher education institutions provide teacher training and are responsible for pursuing the desired quality. The aim of the current study was two-fold: it examined how prospective teachers are trained to teach reading and writing and analysed the research experience of the higher education staff that provide this training. We examined the teacher preparation curricula offered by Portuguese institutions and the course topics that focused on Portuguese reading and writing acquisition. Interviews were conducted with 25 professors who either oversaw the teacher training programs or assisted in instructing some of these courses. Overall, teacher education and training programs lacked a thorough and comprehensive examination of the language. There was no evidence of study of the relation between oral and written language, as well as of the distinctive features of the Portuguese orthographic code. Some relevant scientific research in education and psycholinguistics was absent. Lastly, there was a dearth of research to support education and training: the number of published papers devoted to the study of Portuguese, reading and writing was low.
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