“Brave” teacher education for global citizenship
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Global citizenship education has become one of the educational priorities of the 21st century. Still, academic research suggests that global citizenship education is not systematically embedded in teachers’ practice. Addressing this context, this paper reports on a qualitative multiple-case study developed with seven teacher educators and four pre-service teachers at a Portuguese university. The study aims to analyse and compare the impact of two development programmes on teachers’ conceptualisations of global citizenship education and their teaching identities. Data were collected from audio recordings and individual reflections, which were treated using deductive content analysis. Results show that both groups of teachers developed clearer conceptualisations of global citizenship aligned with a liberal orientation and (re)constructed their teaching identities to (re)consider the demands of the teaching profession in a globalised world. Nonetheless, teachers highlighted the complexity of this transformative form of education, mentioning that they need more time and support to incorporate it into their skillset and mindset. These findings suggest the need to strive for ‘brave’ teacher education for global citizenship, whose tenets are presented in this article.
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