From general education to apprenticeship courses Paths of leaving and returning to the education and training system
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This article refers to the paths of young people who left the education and training system before completing upper secondary education, thus increasing the numbers of early leavers from education and training, but who decided to return to education through an Apprenticeship Course. The reasons evoked by young people for dropping out of school and for enrolling in the course are presented. A mixed methodology research design was used, collecting quantitative data from 665 young people who answered an online questionnaire in Portugal, at national level, and qualitative data from 54 semi-structured interviews with young people, at the Porto district level. All participants attended Apprenticeship Courses at the time of data collection. The results point to some convergence between quantitative and qualitative data regarding reasons for dropping out of school, and report that such reasons also converge with reasons for entering an Apprenticeship Course, especially in qualitative data.
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