Inovação pedagógica Um novo-antigo imperativo

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Julio Groppa
Carlota Boto


This article aims to critically examine the subject of pedagogical innovation by comparing its uses in two distinct historical moments: the beginnings of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In theoretical-methodological terms, the text operates in the field of the history of pedagogical ideas, by establishing a correlation between the discourses formulated in the genesis of Escola Nova and some current formulations on the theme of pedagogical innovation. From the analysis undertaken, it is possible to verify that little has been added to the criticisms already present in the Escola Nova discourse about the so-called traditional school.


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How to Cite

Julio Groppa, & Boto, C. (2019). Inovação pedagógica: Um novo-antigo imperativo. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 55, 13-20.