Photos as an agent or a pitfall of apprenticeship/interpretation

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Maria do Carmo Serén


Photography, in its different media formats, dominates the world of visual arts. It’s taught
in public or private schools, in fields such communication sciences, advertising and visual arts.
Seen as a technical production with the aim of copying reality in the XIXth century, Photography
always looked for its autonomy and place as an Art, creating the «Author Photography» among the
overspread social use. On the last decades of the XXth century, assumed the unstructurant postmodernist concepts as it becomes figuration based, and Art Museums started to purchase photography. Today we ask its role on the experience of the experience, i.e., a new meaning for the figurative creation that the digital revolution accelerates.


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How to Cite
Serén, M. do C. . (2013). Photos as an agent or a pitfall of apprenticeship/interpretation. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 40, 77-94.

How to Cite

Serén, M. do C. . (2013). Photos as an agent or a pitfall of apprenticeship/interpretation. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 40, 77-94.