From single teaching to team work in the first level of basic education Reconfigurações de um ciclo da educação básica

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Ana Vale
Ana Mouraz


The first level of primary education was, somehow, under-valorized by policies for two
decades, after the Portuguese democratic revolution, 40 years ago. Such limited importance could be explained by policy priorities that at the time were focused on the expansion of nine years of compulsory education. Nevertheless, during the last 40 years, particularly in the last two decades, some policy measures were taken that changed curricular and pedagogical issues at this level of primary education, namely those  concerning «the single class, single teacher» model. This text intends to present and discuss some of such policies and their effect on the teaching model at the first level of primary education.


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How to Cite

Vale, A. ., & Mouraz, A. . (2014). From single teaching to team work in the first level of basic education: Reconfigurações de um ciclo da educação básica. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 43, 85-102.