Education in Portugal (1974-2014) Times, ideas and struggles

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Rui Pereira


This article attempts to examine a group of several policies, ideologies and practices in
education in Portugal since 1974. The paths and trends of such educational policies are analysed
regarding their close connection with the cultural policies adopted during an identical period. The
work of two authors, José Alberto Correia and Eduarda Dionísio, are taken into account within this analysis. The articles show that in the most recent phase of politics in Portugal, the kind of educational policies followed threaten to drop the Portuguese educational system into a global «cancer»-type crisis as identified by Nussbaum.


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How to Cite

Pereira, R. (2014). Education in Portugal (1974-2014): Times, ideas and struggles. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 43, 11-24.