The university constrained by evaluation procedures and the sidelining of university teachers’ training The case of mexican public universities

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Oscar Comas Rodríguez
Rosalía Susana Lastra
Carmen Barrera Rosado


This work aims to analyse the challenges that Mexican public universities are facing with regard to training and permanent and systematic updating of their professors, in an institutional context reorganized by economic incentives linked to the products of academic work, as well as by the need to comply with internal and external evaluations and accreditations of the administrative
and management processes, equipment, plans and academic programmes. All this has placed financial and administrative accountability as core institutional tasks to the detriment of professors’ updating with regard to their subjects, didactic and pedagogic training.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, O. C. ., Lastra, R. S., & Rosado, C. B. . (2015). The university constrained by evaluation procedures and the sidelining of university teachers’ training: The case of mexican public universities. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 44, 131-149.
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How to Cite

Rodríguez, O. C. ., Lastra, R. S., & Rosado, C. B. . (2015). The university constrained by evaluation procedures and the sidelining of university teachers’ training: The case of mexican public universities. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 44, 131-149.