Communication about sex education in schools Preliminary validation studies the Questionnaire of Communication about Sexual Education in the School – Teacher Version

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Cristiana Pereira de Carvalho
Maria do Rosário Pinheiro
José Pinto Gouveia
Duarte Rei Vilar


Portuguese teachers have a central role in the implementation of sex education in schools. The approach of this theme implies that teachers act as facilitators, using a positive and open communication, being able to stimulate reflection and discussion with students about sexuality. This study aims to validate the Questionnaire of Communication about Sexual Education in the School – Teacher Version (QCSES-TV) for the Portuguese population. Seventy-eight teachers of the Centre, Lisbon and Tagus Valley regions answered the QCSES-TV. The QCSES-TV is a self-report instrument composed by two sections: the first has 20 items and the second 12 items. The results from the exploratory factor analysis revealed that the instrument has good psychometric characteristics, with high internal consistency indicators. From the statistical tests is possible to identify differences in communication of teachers due to gender, years of teaching, training sex education, the sex education approach with students and some of the factors that affect the willingness and readiness of teachers to address sex education. The results suggest that the QCSES-TV can be useful in identifying the teachers’ training needs in communication strategies in sex education and assist the evaluation of programmes in schools.


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Carvalho, C. P. de ., Pinheiro, M. do R. ., Gouveia, J. P. ., & Vilar, D. R. . (2016). Communication about sex education in schools: Preliminary validation studies the Questionnaire of Communication about Sexual Education in the School – Teacher Version. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 48, 127-147.