Contributions of music therapy for youngsters education and health in Brazil Dialogando com jovens sobre educação e saúde

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Graziela Carla Trindade Mayer
Jose Roque Junges
Rosangela Barbiani


This study aimed to understand the health conceptions and practices of youngsters in the
school context, in dialogue with their expressions and musical identities, through music therapy.
The study had a qualitative approach in the perspective of action‑research and using the methods of music therapy: improvisation, composition, recreation and listening. Twelve youngsters aged 13 to 18 years of a public school from São Leopoldo, in south Brazil, took part in the research. The results of the study suggest that the activities of the communitarian music therapy provided youngsters with a powerful way to express and produce new knowledges and practices. The data showed that the youngsters ascribe different and contradictories meanings for health, moving from a hegemonic pattern of the biomedical conception and practices of health to a wider view associated with participation and autonomy. This understanding brings out values such as self‑care, care for the closer ones, mainly family and friends, and care for the school and the neighbourhood.


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How to Cite
Mayer, G. C. T., Junges, J. R., & Barbiani, R. (2017). Contributions of music therapy for youngsters education and health in Brazil: Dialogando com jovens sobre educação e saúde. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 50, 157-175.

How to Cite

Mayer, G. C. T., Junges, J. R., & Barbiani, R. (2017). Contributions of music therapy for youngsters education and health in Brazil: Dialogando com jovens sobre educação e saúde. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 50, 157-175.