Educational institutions and the labour market: Between autonomy and heteronomy

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Sérgio Grácio


Based on our knowledge of the evolution of various technical education institutions in Portugal, from the Liberal monarchy to the present day, we propose an explanatory model for the different degrees of autonomy or heteronomy in the relationship between education institutions and economic institutions and the labour market. The model, which is essentially interactive, emphasises the importance of the volume and structure of demand for education, the job market itself, standards of living, the school and marriage market, political regimes, company preferences and competition in education.


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How to Cite
Grácio, S. (1994). Educational institutions and the labour market: Between autonomy and heteronomy. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 1, 89-103.
ARTICLES | Open call

How to Cite

Grácio, S. (1994). Educational institutions and the labour market: Between autonomy and heteronomy. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 1, 89-103.

