Technical-pedagogical devices in the «Projeto FEUP»

innovations to integrate students and develop transversal skills in engineering


  • Armando Jorge Sousa Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto
  • Manuel Firmino Torres Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto



pedagogical innovations, transversal skills, engineering, higher education


This article presents the course «Projeto FEUP», designed for all first-year students of Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, with the objectives of facilitating the integration in higher education, promote transversal skills and produce small projects in a technical area related to engineering. Its development was characterized by seeking to answer the difficulties encountered in practice, constituting itself as a challenging evolutive experience that involved the production of a methodology based on the application of an innovative set of technical and pedagogical devices. The results achieved with the introduction of this methodology (which articulates technical and pedagogical aspects) demonstrated that the developed changes have led to significant gains, namely at the level of students’ integration in FEUP and in relation to the promotion of learning.
All the introduced improvements in the Projeto FEUP are the corollary of pedagogical innovations
generated by this experience, combining regulatory pedagogical practices with other more
emancipatory, as part of a theoretical perspective that evidences a clear evolution of educational
processes in higher education.


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How to Cite

Sousa, A. J., & Torres, M. F. . (2015). Technical-pedagogical devices in the «Projeto FEUP»: innovations to integrate students and develop transversal skills in engineering. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, (46), 9–33.