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scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image

For Reviewers

scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image uses the double-blind peer review system (the author doesn’t know who the reviewer is and vice-versa) because it believes that plays an important role to ensure the integrity and best possible academic content to our readers.
We believe that this method ensures the most impartiality in the review process, decreasing the chances of a conflict of interests or manipulation.
In order to do this, on the one hand, we require our journal editors to judge any submissions to their journals according to their relevance, originality and importance. On the other hand, these submissions should also be judged according to ethical parameters, such as making sure that authorship and contributorship is properly attributed, that there are no conflict of interests and any reference to the work of others is properly made. All this process depends to a large extent on trust, and requires that everyone involved behaves responsibly and ethically.
For this method to work and to safeguard the privacy of all the participants, any personal information should be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality.

We also recommend that editors and reviewers familiarize themselves with COPE’s Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

All non solicited theoretical papers submitted in response to the call for papers are subject to double-blind peer review. The other modalities of submissions that we publish (visual essays, interviews and critical reviews) are reviewed by the Editorial team and are not subject to double-blind peer review.


Ethical principles
Reviewers of articles should be objective in their assessments and decline to review articles if there is a conflict of interest between reviewers and authors or their research or funding bodies.
Reviewers should alert the Editors to any published or submitted work whose content is essentially analogous to the one under review.
Reviewers must maintain confidentiality in all aspects of manuscripts, including information about the Authors.


Review form
Manuscripts must be reviewed on the Sophia journal platform (OJS) and should consider the recommendations presented below:
Articles under evaluation are confidential.
The following elements should be considered in the review process:
1. interest and relevance of the Sophia Journal issue scope;
2. Relevance to a wide audience;
3. Timeliness and consistency of the literature review;
4. Conceptual innovation;
5. Adequacy of the research methodology, if applicable;
6. Rigour in data analysis, if applicable;
7. Clarity in writing.


For the public recognition of its work, Sophia Journal encourages reviewers to register on the Publons platform and there register the revisions they have made (which, however, are not identified, thus maintaining their anonymity).