Ubuntu African philosophy at the interface of the universal right to education, public education and inclusive schooling
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The consecration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights claims not only the right to Education, but also to an accessible schooling with dignified implementation for all. However, this right has not yet been guaranteed for all. It is not enough to legislate so that the public-school guarantees access and participation for all, when in reality the practices and conditions for success do not exist effectively for the whole school universe. The Inclusive School calls for an organisational, cultural and pedagogical restructuring. Can we say that access to an inclusive culture and practice is imminent? Some argue that the African philosophy of ubuntu, marked by the worldview of community achievement, can serve as a guide. Since the school is not a static structure, we ask: how could African ubuntu philosophy serve as a reference for the cultural transformation of the school, in order to deepen inclusion?
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How to Cite
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