“We all have a bit of activism” Experiences of youth participation in the School Strike for Climate
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The present article aims to debate perspectives that disregard and disqualify young people, especially those under the age of 18, as active citizens who can engage in common causes, create
proposals, and participate in decision-making processes. In the context of developing participatory research based on artistic methods and action-oriented, young people between 14 and 17 years old from the research group participated in the School Strike for Climate, in the city of Porto in 2019. This experience revealed the desire for freedom and the need of these young people to express themselves, to be seen, heard, and considered in the management of issues that affect them directly or indirectly; therefore, to exercise their citizenship. Simultaneously, it has highlighted the need to understand the limitations on the structures of access and opportunity for participation as an exercise of citizenship, and the recognition of plural forms and contexts of youth expression and participation.
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