Devenir activiste pour le climat Formation à la désobéissance civile comme processus de socialisation chez des jeunes militants d’Extinction Rebellion à Paris
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This article analyzes the socialization processes that lead first-time activists and members of Extinction Rebellion (XR) Paris to become part of an activist elite trained in nonviolent direct action. The article is based on an ethnography of civil disobedience trainings given by XR in 2019 and 2021. These trainings act as institutional rites that “consecrate” activists, but they also sort out activists by operating a social selection: social origins, cultural capital and primary socialization (religious in particular) determine why some individuals are willing to engage in non-violent activities. These trainings do more than teach practical knowledge. They create an “esprit de corps” according to Blumer specific to the movement that enables the internalization of collective political identity, and in such have more impact than the mere transmission of activist know-how.
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