Tradition, transmission and production strategies in contemporary arts education

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José Antonio Liceranzu


Knowledge in art, along with its transmission, is undergoing profound changes that go
beyond problems of integration into the European Higher Education Area. The methods of transmission,
content, strategies or the relation with tradition find themselves subject to a profound
questioning and to irreversible, inevitable changes. The creation of conditions, of support and
learning networks that allow the creation of art and that guide the student to seek what he or she
needs, leads us to educational strategies that defend knowledge that comes about as a consequence
of interchange. Monitoring results in education contrasts with the search for the unforeseeable
in art. The revision of the ideal of efficiency that allows for the introduction of fallibility without penalizing it, or developing new creative tools for interchange with the market, represent a number
of challenges for the current state of education in art.


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How to Cite
Liceranzu, J. A. (2013). Tradition, transmission and production strategies in contemporary arts education. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 40, 95-111.

How to Cite

Liceranzu, J. A. (2013). Tradition, transmission and production strategies in contemporary arts education. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 40, 95-111.