Indigenous schooling, culture and education

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Patrícia Regina Ciaramello


In Brazil the Indigenous School Education is an ancient reality, with legal support and widely discussed among different indigenous and non-indigenous people and agents of different areas of knowledge. This allows us to think not only about one «reality», but about realities, which vary according to the historical, social and cultural context to which indigenous people refers, with
implementation and management policies, among many other factors. Currently, indigenous schooling
should not be considered as a simple transposition of western school model to an indigenous community. The community life project must be taken into account to inform how and with what
schools can contribute. Thus, this article presents a brief history of Brazilian indigenous schooling,
depicting some of its different faces over approximately five centuries.


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How to Cite

Ciaramello, P. R. . (2014). Indigenous schooling, culture and education. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 41, 109-125.