Reconfiguring the management of public affairs due to the emergence of participatory processes centered on the citizen The case of the participatory budget of Palmela
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This paper is a contribution to the reflection of local government regarding participatory budgeting models. From the perspective of Cabannes that the political will is a sine qua non condition for the construction and development of participatory budgeting, an analysis is made from a case study of a qualitative nature and the application of questionnaire surveys, the representations of municipal officers face the potential and constraints of this participatory public management model. The content analysis of the data collected allows us to state that the success of these municipal instruments of community participation lies above all in: the capacity for intelligible dialogue between executive, technicians and citizens; the City Council commitment to transparent management of public affairs; the responsible commitment
of the various stakeholders involved and the potential of a citizens’ mobilization plan for the participation and intervention of public space.
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How to Cite
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