Citizens still have a right to democracy» Young students’ discourses on anti‑austerity demonstrations in Portugal
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Over the past few decades, academic and political discourses on youth citizenship have pointed to the existence of a democratic deficit, characterised by an estrangement from politics
and participation. However, both reality and research have shown that, particularly since 2010, we may instead be witnessing a «participatory revolution» (Norris, 2002). Indeed, throughout the globe, youngsters are strongly involved in social movements focused either on transversal causes (such as democracy) or specific issues (such as austerity, or cuts in education). In this research we focus on the ways Portuguese youngsters, from the 8th and 11th grades and 2nd year of University, of the regular school system, both from urban and semi‑urban schools, assess the 2012 anti‑austerity rallies. These rallies, organised by social movements, led to an almost unprecedented popular mobilisation since the 1974 democratic revolution. 1107 youngsters answered in writing to a survey in which they
were shown photos of the rallies. Results show that they not only accompanied the rallies and were aware of what was at stake, but also have a critical and engaged discourse that demonstrates that they are active in constructing and living their citizenship.
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