Between Guinea Bissau and Portugal Photography of a heart

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Inês Martins da Silva
Maria da Luz Cabral


This work focuses on the life of a young woman from Africa (Guinea Bissau) that migrating to Portugal since ten years ago, met a «new» condition when, at the age of 16 she became blind. Starting from her autobiographical  arrative, it is intended, by crossing the analysis and interpretation of the elements provided, to weave a deeper and more complex reading of that path. The article focuses the social contexts «Between Guinea and Portugal», an educational path in which the ethnic group of origin, the condition of blindness and gender played a significant role as promoters of emancipation and empowerment. We address the reasons for the problem «Between Guinea and Portugal: A photography of a heart», noting her speech through her own voice, reflected and analysed by us. Then we will give particular attention to the role of education in her life, «Blindness at the distance of a look: differences and inequalities in the educational and cultural act», while individual reflecting the combination of several coordinated factors. We present the methodology and justify the methodological and technical choice of the biographical interview that supported the research. The final considerations account for the concerns generated by the interpretation of a life.


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How to Cite
Silva, I. M. da ., & Cabral, M. da L. (2016). Between Guinea Bissau and Portugal: Photography of a heart. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 49, 131-150.

How to Cite

Silva, I. M. da ., & Cabral, M. da L. (2016). Between Guinea Bissau and Portugal: Photography of a heart. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 49, 131-150.


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