From cultural confrontation to intercultural relations

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Natércia Alves Pacheco


This article raises the question of relations of cooperation between Portuguese universities and higher education institutions of Portuguese-speaking countries on the basis of a more localized approach which refers to, on the one hand, the cultural shock and the identity strategies of students and, on the other, to necessary changes in the receiving society.


De la confrontation entre cultures jusqu’aux rapports intercultureles

Cet article pose la question des rapports de coopération entre les Universités Portugaises et les Institutions d'Enseignement Supérieur des pays de langue oficielle portugaise, a partir d'une approche plus localisée concernant, d'un côté, le choc culturel et les stratégies identitaires des étudiants et, d'un autre côte, les nécessaires changements de la société d'accueil.


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How to Cite

Pacheco, N. A. (2000). From cultural confrontation to intercultural relations. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 13, 119-139.

