Reinventing the Allegory of the Cave through drama Teachers’ challenges and competences in education

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Eunice Macedo
Sofia A. Santos
Flora Torres
Poliksena Hardalova


This paper focuses the challenges teachers face and the pedagogical – including the relational – competences they develop in dealing with diversity and vulnerability in the construction of a play in the second chance school Escola de Segunda Oportunidade Matosinhos, in Portugal. This arts-based experience provides opportunity to theorise early school leaving (ESL) and educational failure as well as the promotion of inclusive practices as conditions for educational justice. The main questions are: what competences do teachers need in their work to respond to the educational and social needs of vulnerable young people who left education early?; how can teachers’ pedagogical competences be developed in their daily practice?; and how do they feel by doing so?. With these concerns, the paper draws on the video analysis of the construction of the play and on a set of interviews with teachers. Drama is included as part of the syllabus and a strategy to support young adults’ emotional states and will to stay in school. Insights from video evidence include critical commentary on common strategies to promote students’ engagement and learning and the identification of essential competences to deal with it.


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How to Cite

Macedo, E., Santos, S. A., Torres, F., & Hardalova, P. (2017). Reinventing the Allegory of the Cave through drama: Teachers’ challenges and competences in education. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 50, 75-93.