The marbles game

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Georges Augustins


Game-playing is a futile activity... because it's vain, it serves no purpose. My interest was aroused... by the fact that I didn't understand anything they said about play. The ethnographic work carried out includes accompanying groups of children during their daily lives, in situations of play, trying to realise that the children, ‘playing marbles’, learn a system of thought - customs inherent to the game itself, the nature of marbles, the value of marbles - at the same time as being part of a network of reciprocity and solidarity - integrating the game into a network of partners in which negotiation and confrontation prevail.


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Augustins, G. (2024). The marbles game. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 1.
ARTICLES | Open call

How to Cite

Augustins, G. (2024). The marbles game. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 1.

