Manuscript submission
The contribution must be original and unpublished and not under review or for publication in another journal.
Articles must constitute original research that is in line with the mission and scope of EsP/PsP. They must be supported by internationally relevant theories and methods for the disciplinary area in which they are inserted.
The text must follow the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in this section "For authors".
The contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and the editorial team.
Types of manuscripts
- The magazine has several sections, depending on the nature of the contributions, namely:
- Original research articles (up to 8000 words)
- Literature review articles / Systematic reviews (up to 8000 words)
- Perspectives (up to 4500 words)
- Short communications (up to 3500 words)
- Book reviews (up to 1500 words)
- Presentation of plans, projects and visual essays (up to 1000 words and up to 6 pages)
- Submission Rules
Articles are accepted and published in Portuguese and English. Each article must include the title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English.
All authors must include institutional affiliations, email addresses and ORCID identifier. One of the authors must be indicated as the corresponding author, as well as provide all contact details, including email and institutional address.
Articles should avoid discriminatory language.
Authors must ensure that articles strictly follow the instructions presented here. If this guideline is not taken, the articles will be returned for rectification before the scientific arbitration process begins.
Document preparation
- Texts for submission must be submitted through the OJS / Open Journal Systems Platform.
- Each article must contain between 6000 and 8000 words, including abstracts, keywords, tables, footnotes, bibliographic references and appendices.
- The article must include a summary (and respective translation) that cannot exceed 200 words.
- After each abstract, up to 5 keywords must be indicated, separated by commas and in lowercase.
- The text must be processed with 1.5 line spacing, the font must be Arial Narrow, size 11 and the margins must be: top margin – 3 cm; remaining margins – 2.5 cm.
- Italics should be used and never underlined (except in URL addresses).
- Images must be inserted into the text and must also be submitted separately in a JPG file (or compatible) with a minimum of 300dpi.
- Graphics must be inserted into the text and must also be submitted separately in the original file (Excel).
- Tables must be inserted into the text in an editable format.
- Titles, subtitles and other sections of the text must be unambiguously differentiated.
- Footnotes should be avoided. If they are essential, they must be numbered.
Quotes and Bibliographic References
- When writing citations in the text and the list of bibliographic references, the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual, 7th edition, must be followed, except for the rules for the first name, which the ESC presents in full.
- Citations in the text must be indicated in the format (Author, year) and, if they are direct, the page number(s) must be included. Ex: (Silva, 2021, p. 21); (Silva, 2021, pp. 22-23).
- Citations with more than two authors must only include the surname of the first author, followed by et al. (without italics). Ex: (Silva et al., 2021).
- If several references are cited, they must be ordered alphabetically by the surname of the first author and separated by a semicolon. Ex: (Alves, 2021; Fontes, 2015; Sousa, 2017).
- Quotations with more than 40 words must appear in an indented block on the left (0.5 cm), without quotation marks and in size 10 font.
References must be organized alphabetically in a separate section entitled “Bibliographic references”. All references must be presented completely and accurately.
All references in this final list must have been used in the text, just as all references cited in the text must appear in the list.
When available, the DOI and URL for references must be provided.
Format of Bibliographic References
Article with “digital object identifier” (DOI)
Author, Name (Year). Article title. Title of the Magazine with Capital Letters, volume (number), pp-pp.
Lopes, Amélia, & Pereira, Fátima (2012). Everyday life and everyday learning: The ways in which pre-service teacher education curriculum can encourage personal dimensions of teacher identity. European Journal of Teacher Education, 35(1), 17-38.
Article without DOI available
Author, Name A., & Author, Name B. (Year). Article title. Title of the Magazine With Capital Initials, volume (number), pp-pp. http://www.xxxxxxx
Clandinin, D. Jean, Lessard, Sean, & Caine, Vera (2012). Reverberations of narrative inquiry: How resonant echoes of an inquiry with early school leaves shaped further inquiries. Education, Society & Cultures, 36, 7-24.
Book (printed version)
Author, Name (Year). Title of the book in italics: Initial capital letter also for the subtitle. Publishing company.
Bianchetti, Lucídio, & Correia, José A. (2011). In/exclusion in work and education: Mythological, historical and conceptual aspects. Papirus Editora.
Book – organization or coordination (printed version)
Organizer, Name (Year). Title of the book in italics: Initial capital letter also for the subtitle. Publishing company.
Hedtke, Reinhold, & Zimenkova, Tatjana (Eds.). (2013). Education for civic and political participation: A critical approach. Routledge.
Author, Name (Year). Title of the book in italics: Initial capital letter also for the subtitle. http://www.xxxxxxx
Silva, Sofia M., & Landri, Paolo (Eds.). (2012). Rethinking educational ethnography: Researching online communities and interactions.
Book chapter
Author, Name A., & Author, Name B. (Year). Chapter title. In Name A. Organizer, Name B. Organizer, & Name C. Organizer (Eds.), Book title in italics: Initial capitalized also for subtitle (pp. xxx-xxx). Publishing company.
Stoer, Stephen R., & Cortesão, Luiza (2008). Multiculturalism and educational policy in a global context (European perspectives). In Nicolas Burbules & Carlos Alberto Torres (Eds.), Globalizations and educational critical perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 253-274). Routledge.
Unpublished dissertation or thesis
Author, Name (Year). Title of thesis in italics [Unpublished doctoral thesis or master's dissertation]. Institution Name.
Macedo, Eunice (2012). School rankings, on the other hand…: Possibilities of young adult citizenship in the tension of educational and social change [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto.
Dissertation or thesis present in repository
Author, Name (Year). Title of the thesis in italics [Doctoral thesis or master's dissertation]. Repository name. https://www.xxxxxxx
Loja, Ema (2012). The impact of dis/abl(e)ism on disabled people in Portugal: Fado, citizenship and the embodied self. Open Repository of the University of Porto.
Unpublished communication or poster
Speaker, Name (Year, month day). Title of communication in italics [Communication or poster presentation]. Name of the congress, Location, Country.
Young, Michael (2010, September 23-25). Education as a vocation: Lessons from Continental Europe [Keynote speech]. Annual Conference of the European Educational Research Association – ECER 2009, Vienna, Austria.
Published communications
Speaker, Name (Year). Title of the communication. Title of the minutes book, volume, pp-pp. Publishing company.
Nogueira, Paulo, & Fonseca, Laura (2010). Sexual education and the school: Perspectives and sexual protocols of young men and women. ICERI2010 Proceedings, 3, 2060-2070. FPCEUP.
For more information, please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).
Authors’ responsibilities and duties
- Authorship must be limited to people who have significantly contributed to the work: its concept, design, execution or interpretation of the research.
- Articles submitted to EsP / PSp must be original works, not previously published in any other medium, and not in the process of being evaluated in any other publication.
- Permission for any copyrighted material must be acquired by the authors prior to submission.
- All works by other authors who are influential for the article must be duly cited.
- All authors must have approved the final version of the article and have agreed to its publication.
- All authors must clearly disclose any financial or other conflict of interest that could distort the results or interpretation of the work.
- If authors discover an error or inaccuracy in the article, even after publication, they must immediately notify the editors and cooperate to correct or withdraw the article.
- Authors must use the official PDF of the article published in the journal and the link to the journal pages, whenever possible, to distribute their own work.
The contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and the editorial team.
Open Access Policy
The magazine Espaço Público / Public Space is an Open Access academic journal, allowing free and immediate access to all of its content.
The Public Space Journal shares the principles expressed in the Declaration of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), according to which the removal of barriers to access to academic journals such as PSj allows us to accelerate research and enrich education , share learning, make scientific literature as useful as it can be, and promote intellectual debate and the pursuit of knowledge.
Licensing Terms
The Authors agree to publish their articles under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). In this sense, users are free to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search for, or create a link to the full text of articles, reference or search the full text of documents, scan them, or use them for any other lawful purpose, provided that these uses are non-commercial, and that no derivative works are made from the article shared, commercially or otherwise.
All uses mentioned above are subject to due credit. This includes mention of the name of the Author(s), as well as that of the Public Space Journal and U. PORTO PRESS / Universidade do Porto. Also part of the due credit is the copyright notice, the license notice including link, the disclaimer notice and a link to the article. Users may do so in any reasonable way, but not in a way that suggests that the magazine Espaço Público / Public Space and the U. PORTO PRESS / Universidade do Porto and/or the Authors support or approve its use. For more detailed information, please consult the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, as well as the PSj copyright terms.
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