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INVISIBILIDADES | Editor Mário Mesquita

Vol. 1 N.º 1 (2023): scopio Magazine AAI-Utopia

Rite of the Waters: procession through the Campanhã Washhouses

  • Chloé Darmon
  • Gabriela Manfredini



This article aims to reflect on the invisibility of women's work. We focus on two interconnected themes: the devaluation of domestic work as a de facto job; and the neglect of public washhouses, which were spaces for women to meet and work in the past.

Initially, Chloé's research discussed the public wash houses in Porto in order to cover their history, their impact on women's lives and their current state of deterioration. Gabriela's research reflected on the relationships and developments between domestic labour and performance art in an amalgam of repetitions, deviations and accumulation.

As a result of the Des/oriente project, there was a combination of these two areas of knowledge that gave rise to new multidisciplinary research carried out in two distinct areas: fine arts and architecture. The project in question aimed to realise narratives in the public space in the parish of Campanhã in Porto with activations by local artists.

In practical terms, the research materialised in a performance held in three washhouses where we were able to reactivate these spaces in an artistic way while also exploring different narratives about domestic work. It was possible to once again create a place for meeting and sharing in these spaces.

Cover image: Rite of the Waters: procession through the Campanhã Washhouses, Act I, Presa Velha, 2023. Photo - Katana Studio


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