Let’s imagine: Globalization, Gamification and socio-political control of citizens (a uchronic assy) in Hypothesis Historia Periodical
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This paper aims to explore the idea that our societies are losing more and more fundamental rights, the most important policies are beginning to avoid going through national parliaments, and almost a complete profiling of all aspects of a citizen’s life has been achieved to manipulate and absolute control of them in the near future. Large technology companies with budgets greater than many states are beginning to make decisions or lobby with strong groups to obtain regulations appropriate to their interests, and the world is in a change of order in which the domination of China is already a reality in the technological field, and is very close to the US in the economic field. This article explores, through the use of alternative history as a research tool, the fatalities that certain events such as those indicated are currently occurring, in a regressive decline of the social and democratic State of law and of peace itself.
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